Making Your Food Prefect

Your Food you eat is a very important factor of your life, it helps dictate your general health and your lifestyle. Food in general is unlimited in what you can and cant do with it. But it becomes more difficult with different people likes and dislikes and then when you chuck in fat content, un-healthly and the impacts it can have on your body in later life. It becomes much more difficult to find the perfect balance with the food you eat. Factors include what you eat, what you eat it with and at what time you eat it. For example eating within 2 hours of you going to bed has been seen to be unhealthy as you simply can't burn off the contents of the food you have eaten.
Your Helpful Food Tips

Below are a few helpful food tips, both health tips and general cooking tips.
For those who like Italian cooking. Make sure you use olive oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for dressings only; using extra virgin in cooking is a waste of your hard earned money and much better for your health.
An easy way to separate egg yolks from whites is to break into your hand and let the white slip through slightly parted fingers. You may find it easier to break into a cup first.
To see whether an egg is boiled or not just twist the egg on a table, if it twists fast it is boiled if not it is raw.
When eating hot soup and bread, for a change, try seasoning the bread instead of the soup.
Excess grease/fat can be removed from casseroles/stews etc., by dropping in an ice cube - the fat will stick to the cube and can be removed.
Excess grease/fat can be removed from casseroles/stews etc, a slice of fresh white bread placed carefully on the surface will absorb most of the unwanted grease.
To add flavor to baked beans, chop some onion and place on plate and cook in a microwave on high for a few seconds, mix into beans with some brown sauce, heat as normal. Much healthier quick lunch snack that is very tasty.
Judging how much rice or pasta to cook can be difficult as it expands during cooking. Place dry rice (or pasta) on a side plate i.e. a smaller plate than usually used for your meal, until the quantity looks right. Then boil as usual. The cooked rice will fill the larger dinner plate to the same extent.
If you need to keep peeled potatoes put them in water then place a slice of bread on top, this stops them going brown.
Hope these Tips where helpful. More coming soon...
For those who like Italian cooking. Make sure you use olive oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for dressings only; using extra virgin in cooking is a waste of your hard earned money and much better for your health.
An easy way to separate egg yolks from whites is to break into your hand and let the white slip through slightly parted fingers. You may find it easier to break into a cup first.
To see whether an egg is boiled or not just twist the egg on a table, if it twists fast it is boiled if not it is raw.
When eating hot soup and bread, for a change, try seasoning the bread instead of the soup.
Excess grease/fat can be removed from casseroles/stews etc., by dropping in an ice cube - the fat will stick to the cube and can be removed.
Excess grease/fat can be removed from casseroles/stews etc, a slice of fresh white bread placed carefully on the surface will absorb most of the unwanted grease.
To add flavor to baked beans, chop some onion and place on plate and cook in a microwave on high for a few seconds, mix into beans with some brown sauce, heat as normal. Much healthier quick lunch snack that is very tasty.
Judging how much rice or pasta to cook can be difficult as it expands during cooking. Place dry rice (or pasta) on a side plate i.e. a smaller plate than usually used for your meal, until the quantity looks right. Then boil as usual. The cooked rice will fill the larger dinner plate to the same extent.
If you need to keep peeled potatoes put them in water then place a slice of bread on top, this stops them going brown.
Hope these Tips where helpful. More coming soon...